
Private Sessions and Clearings

Personal Cleansing Ritual
Soul Retrieval
House Blessings
Private Spiritual Counseling
Tarot & Medicine Card Readings 

Family Ceremony

Family Gatherings
Memorials and
Channeled Spirit 

Community Ceremony and Teachings 

Full Moon Ceremony for Women
Sacred Inipi (sweat lodge)
Lectures on Native American Spirituality
Empowerment Through Ritual and Ceremony Class

Corporate Offerings

Contact Hua by email or by calling: 805 481 0892 to get information about her corporate offerings

 Hua Anwa offers individual healings, counseling and ceremony, as well as making available various ceremonies and teachings for larger groups. Please call for a free consultation so you may receive guidance regarding what would be appropriate for you at this time. To schedule an appointment and for more information about the requirements of reciprocity and preparing for either private cleansings or requests for teachings or ceremony, contact Hua by email or by calling: 805 481 0892

Traditionally gifts of reciprocity are given to our medicine people. In making an offering that is equivalent of what we are asking in return, we become energetically engaged in what we hope to receive. Please give consideration to what this good balance looks like for you and how you would like to express your gratitude. Gifts of sacred herbs (white sage, cedar, sweetgrass and tobacco) crystals, medicines, precious stones, essential oils or materials that resonate with you or your inquiry are most welcomed. Material offerings to support the medicine person, their family or those that facilitate their travel are also greatly appreciated. Ceremonial officers, Firekeepers, and those that host events also appreciate your recognizing their work in support of ceremony. 

Private Sessions & Clearings:

When you request a personal healing, please prepare your gift of reciprocity with special care. 

In addition to a formal request made through the gesture of passing tobacco, a monetary contribution is also made. This currency and monetary exchange to any Medicine Person or Elder you may meet is intended to support them, their work and their family, and is appreciated when passed in a humble and discreet way. It can be sent through PayPal if you prefer to do that ahead of time, or you can bring cash with your gifts. 

Tarot readings are $50

Personal cleansings are $150

Soul retrievals are $200

House blessings are $250

Personal Cleansing Ritual

It is advised to begin with this personal cleansing. Regardless of circumstance, this energetic cleansing is highly beneficial, but especially if you’ve been working within charged environments, as a healer, have gone through a major life change or are considering deeper ceremonial engagement.

A person may come to Hua feeling as though they have been psychically or energetically attacked. They may feel as though something negative has been attached, sucking their energies away. We call this feeling being shot with “dark arrows.” 

Hua utilizes powerful sacred tools, teachings and medicines that have been passed to her through over decades, to cut the ties of attachment, the energetic cables and wires which she can see attached to that person. Hua uses special eyes and other clair-senses to clean up what is not theirs, that which has gotten in the way, attached to where it does not belong. Through the ancient practice of energetic feather-doctoring, Hua’s cleansing ritual is offered for the benefit of restoring a harmonious feelings between the person and their relationship to the outer world, to be in right relationship, and to experience a healing. 

Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval is a shamanic practice, part of a long standing ancient shamanic tradition of journeying to dimensional worlds beyond the ordinary plane of material reality in order to gain new insights about what is happening in the here and now. Soul retrieval honors the knowing that illness and diseases can start in non-physical worlds, and have their root in non-physical causes beyond the reach of ordinary medical practices.

Hua’s particular soul retrieval practice is informed by many previous lifetimes as a healer, as well as decades of deep experience in this one as a certified massage therapist and spiritual counselor. During the soul retrieval, Hua journeys to various spiritual dimensions and, with the guidance of her guides, bring back some of the broken soul pieces which have gone missing from the seeker's spirit and psyche.

The process can be intense and rewarding, and yet people speak to a profound benefit from receiving back these missing pieces. 'Soul loss' is a significant issue in our modern world and soul retrieval is one of the major antidotes to that debilitating problem.

House Blessings (cleansing & protection)

Blessing a house or any kind of space that you plan to spend time in is very important. Regardless of whether that house is new or old, but most especially if it has previously been lived in by someone else, you want to cleanse and protect a home, business, room, ceremonial place, camping place and even sweat lodge. This ritual is about cleaning out all the residual energies – excitement, anger, sexuality, lust – left by others so that the space is clear for only your energy and the feelings and intentions that you bring in with you. Hua’s cleansing first clears the space of any of those residual energies and then she blesses and protects the space to be a safe, healthy space that promotes your good intentions for whatever you plan to undertake there.

The blessing and protecting of a new environment is a very important ceremony that can have a deep influence on the way you experience your time in any given location. It should not be overlooked.

Private Spiritual Counseling

A lot of people are unclear even how to ask for this kind of spiritual assistance, but if someone comes to Hua with a bit of tobacco, looking for help, it will be assumed that person is in some kind of spiritual need, or even in spiritual crisis. Most problems have some spiritual dimension. 

This offering is an intuitive reading on Hua’s part. She looks to discover what the gift may be within the problem that presents itself. Hua offers the seeker a reflection, a spiritual reflection, through her deep listening to the problem. Hua can see what solutions offer themselves in this listening and would likely back that up with a smudging, an energetic cleansing.

Tarot and Medicine Card Readings

Hua comes from a tradition that allows you to see what Creator wants you to know, in a co-creative manner, what you have conjured up for yourself. It is a wonderful tool that lets you know the potential of what can be happening for you. Hua uses the Ryder-Waite deck and 30 years of reading experience.

As for the Medicine Cards, Hua respects the courage it took for Jamie Sams to create that deck, knowing that we can use the connection with nature to guide us, to tell us what we need to hear. The natural world can help us, and the birds, animals and even the little creatures have something to say. It is up to us to listen, and cards are one good way to receive such messages.

Channeled Spirit Readings

Everyone comes in with helper spirits, just as everyone has made an agreement. It is a big deal being here on planet Earth. Some helper spirits come forward at different times in one's life, and they are often very enthusiastic that there is a listening going on. Hua can also work as a buffer for these experiences as she has found that some people may be fragile or susceptible to these helper spirit messages. Hua does not contact the dead relatives of this lifetime – her work is aimed to communicating with these helper spirits and guiding the person towards their meaning.

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Family Ceremony: 


The weddings Hua officiates over are usually languaged differently than most other weddings. In preparation for the ceremony, Hua meets with the couple to learn about the nature of their relationship and to offer the couple some guidance. A pledge to one another is a sacred commitment. Hua honors the twin spirited people and supports all marriages of committed couples. Regardless of the coupling, Hua likes to speak to The Mastery of Love by Master Don Miguel Ruiz, an eloquent way to recognize the fostering of the Self in relationship.

Hua incorporates the symbolism of the ring, the wedding vase, the four directions, the medicine wheel of life, often performing the ceremony in a natural setting. 

There are many possibilities for achieving the right degree of sacredness during this special commitment to one another. It is also possible to arrange more than one ceremony, if this supports multiple traditions.


This is an essential ceremony, to mourn and grieve the physical departure of one's loved ones. Hua reassures everyone that the loved one is still available, even though not present in the usual sense. In this memorial ceremony, Hua makes sure that everyone uses their voice, has something to say, a chance to speak their words. Everyone present is there due to their connection to the loved one, and people truly need to speak to that. This can be done either graveside or at the reception. It is a necessary healing event. Perhaps it is a time to give away personal items. It is a sensitive, tender time, a renewal process for those whose lives go on afterwards.

Family Gatherings

This ceremony is somewhat similar to a memorial but it is only one family that comes together. They may do a sweat lodge or a prayer circle. This is a good ceremony to share at a family reunion - to renew and affirm an ancestral lineage, before the libations begin.

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Community Ceremony & Teachings:

Full Moon Ceremony for women

Hua has been leading this ceremony since it passed down to Hua by her Chumash sister, a very beloved friend, Cynthia Hornesto, who asked her to carry this ceremony forward for her and so Hua does so. 

It is a woman's ceremony that creates a traditional sacred space in which a woman has the opportunity to pray into her own life, to pray for her loved ones, and truly affirms one's relationship to the Mother Earth and all things. As we make space in our lives to connect with the cycles of the moon and to feel into this potent connection, our own natural cycles become more contentiously supported in this relationship.

We ask for guidance to help caretake our Earth Mother, to appreciate and help this garden that sustains us, and to remember our role as the children of the many generations that have come before us and to pass on a better world to the many generations that will come after us. This is a good first ceremony for women to come and explore the Medicine Way, to gain an appreciation of the sisterhood which sustains us, and to learn more about the Church of Empowerment community which supports the Long Dance. 

Sacred Inipi (sweat lodge) ceremony

This is the Sacred Inipi - the sacred purification - Lodge. The Sweat Lodge is a ceremony where we come and enter our Church, symbolically curved like a turtle's back. It is completely dark when it is covered. In every aspect, this lodge is sacred. How we build it is sacred, and when, and where. We don't build a multi-million dollar church. It is simple. Willow and Earth.

Willow is bowed over our head and we bring in the rocks, the ancient elders. We acknowledge the rock elders as the most ancient beings on our planet. Everything has water in it, and so they live. We heat these living rocks in a sacred fire, guarded over by Fire Keepers who have been trained and entrusted to make a sacred fire. They heat the rocks in a sacred way and bring them into the center of our Church. We come into the Lodge humbly, on our hands and knees, saying "For all my relations," acknowledging that we are all connected. We pray, offering gratitude and prayers for what we have, and asking petitions for what we have not.

It is a physiological offering, including the sweat from our bodies and also a cleansing of the toxins, but it is also an emotional and spiritual release as well. We wash our spirits clean. We can lay out all our concerns and know that the elders hear us, they hear our concerns and our prayers are answered. You get what you pray for. It is powerful.

Lectures on Native American Spirituality

Hua offers teachings in her classes held at the Church grounds, as well as offering public talks in the community, such as the online classes organized by Earth Peoples United. 

Hua offers the native viewpoint of our relationship to the planet, her perspective from a Native American consciousness. She offers topics such as "We Are All Relations," "The Moon Lodge: Mooning Women From an Original People's Perspective," which explains how women carry their power, and "The Medicine Wheel and its Perspectives." These talks are accessible, affordable and easily offered in various settings. 

Empowerment through Ritual and Ceremony is considered to be an accessible and foundational class, thought of as being ‘ceremony 101’, as an introduction to the Medicine Way. Advanced classes are available upon request. 

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