
Spring, 2015, Water Blessing Pilgrimage, Western United States

Driving through the Central Coast of California, into Los Angeles, to visit White Hawk and Watching Owl, Hua and Moon Bear made they're way along miles of ocean, fresh water rivers, lakes and snow. 

Fall, 2015, with Earth Peoples United, Tat Erick González and Nan Heddie

No sooner did we return from a retreat and council in the beloved Patziapa Center in Guatemala did we receive another invitation to continue the conversation around Gratitude in Santa Ynez, Calif. with our relations, Sweet Medicine Nation, Tata Pedro, sister Kirana, and the Earth Peoples United Family. You can see little baby Ixchel was still on her way in these photos.   

September, 2014, 24th Annual Long Dance Ceremony, Arroyo Grande, CA

In the final preparations before ceremony, Hua enjoys gathering up with our beloved Elders and Firekeepers. 

December 2012, Patziapa, Guatemala, for the Winter Solstice and the start of a new Age of Honey. 

Hua's family and community members were able to join this pilgrimage and ceremony. You can download Hua's impression of the trip on iTunes

March, 2009, Mexica New Year celebration in San Jose

Here is a picture of Hua with the Maestro Ocelotl Coatl

Here is a video that Hua took of the dancers just warming up.

March, 2009, Renewing the Sacred Inipi

We had a beautiful day harvesting willow and building our Church with the help of a wonderful crew of volunteers, all under the guidance of our Grandmother Jade Willow Heart. This was an extraordinary learning experience, followed by a special sacred pipe ceremony offered by Grandmother Standing Woman.